Skyward Community Films:
Empowering Community Through Storytelling

Current Project:
“Generation Pickleball”

Across Generations, One Game Unites

Summer 2024


Former Works

Empowering community through storytelling. Being a first-choice filmmaker within our city. Our process builds on techniques learned from a variety of works.


It served as a valuable learning experience, marking our first production that faced challenges but imparted invaluable lessons in the filmmaking journey.


It united the community through its diverse shooting locations, spanning iconic streets and historic sites in town.

Tharparkar: A Musing

It captured the essence of creativity and collaboration with its ambitious weekend shoot involving over 20 cast and crew members.

How We Work

Work Process



It involves meticulous planning, from script development to casting and location scouting, laying the foundation for a successful film shoot.



It brings the script to life, with the crew executing the plans made during pre-production, capturing performances, scenes, and visuals on camera.



It is where the magic truly happens, as footage is edited, sound is mixed, and visual effects are added to create the final cinematic experience.

Have Questions?

Frequently Asked

How can I get involved with Skyward Community Films?

You can get involved by volunteering your time, skills, or resources. Reach out to us through our website or social media channels to learn about current opportunities.

Do you accept script submissions?

Yes, we welcome script submissions from writers of all backgrounds. Please visit our website for submission guidelines and information on how to submit your script for consideration.

What types of projects does Skyward Community Films produce?

We produce a wide range of projects, including narrative films, documentaries, and promotional videos. Our focus is on storytelling that reflects the diversity and richness of our community.

How can I support Skyward Community Films financially?

You can support us financially by making a donation through our website or by attending our fundraising events. Your contribution helps us cover production costs and supports our mission of community engagement through film.

Are there opportunities for aspiring filmmakers to learn from Skyward Community Films?

Yes, we offer workshops, seminars, and mentorship programs for aspiring filmmakers of all ages. Keep an eye on our website and social media channels for announcements about upcoming educational opportunities.

How can I stay updated on Skyward Community Films’ projects and events?

You can stay updated with how we’re empowering communities through film by following us on social media, subscribing to our newsletter, and regularly visiting our website, where we post updates about our projects, events, and community initiatives.

Seeking further information?

Having trouble finding the solutions you seek? Keep the conversation going by reaching out!